Arc 1 Q&A

Welcome to Suns of the Fathers. 

In this special episode, we read and answer fan-submitted questions!
We discuss characters, the world, our expectations, and experiences.

Thank you so much to the following loyal listeners for submitting questions;
Kevin (@CalledShotsEnt)
Bemia (from Discord): 
Jared (f@IndieFilmPod): 
Chale (@Chale_NotAMimic)
Shannon (@Sroby25)
Others who didn’t give explicit permission to name. 

Suns of the Fathers is a bi-weekly science fiction, horror, real play podcast.
We use the 7th Edition Call of Cthulhu TTRPG system to tell a harrowing story of death, desperation, and disaster.

Twitter: @SotFPod 

Suns of the Fathers is a Necropodicon Original show. 


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